Eminem Deliver Slim Shady LP With 10 Bonus Tracks On 20 Year Anniversary

Slim Shady LP Album cover image

Twenty years ago on this day, the rap industry was changed drastically with the release of Eminem’s classic Slim Shady LP, Feb. 23, 1999.

Criticized by many for the lyrical style and same time loved by even more, LP reached up to top of the world hip hop charts.

To mark the 20th anniversary the Rap god, deliver again Slim Shady LP but now comes with ten bonus tracks. Em fans can enjoy the new edition of the LP on all retailers with all the 10 bonus features in it. The release was a day before the album’s release date and was announced via Tweet by The Real Slim Shady.

The original verse of the album, turned to hip-hop classic, got 5 times Platinum certificated.


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